I think I may have to move out of California since people’s senses of humor have just gone and left!
We wanted to get more feedback from folks who have visited the restaurant after they ate. So we came up with a short and sweet comment card. Now who doesn’t hate a comment card, but honestly it’s been really helpful, and important for us to review.
When we developed the comment card, we wanted to at least make it sort of cute and funny to encourage people to fill it out.
Here are the multiple answer questions we asked.
Was your server pleasant and helpful in describing the menu?
Very Helpful Sort of Helpful Not Helpful at All
Was your server pleasant and helpful in describing the wine list?
Very Helpful Sort of Helpful Not Helpful at All
Was the service timely?
Very Fast Ok I was starving by the time it came
How did you enjoy the food?
Super Yummy It was alright definitely not my favorite
Did the fact that we have heated outdoor seating play a part in
why you chose to dine with us? (circle one of the options below)
Very Important Somewhat important Unimportant
How likely are you to return to our restaurant?
Very Likely Possibly Unlikely
A few weeks ago we got a comment card back that said the patron was totally offended by the language we used when we said “I was starving by the time it came.” He said he
doesn’t believe this generation has faced starvation in their lives. He went on to say I have been there..... and starvation is not a funny subject and I am offended by statement.
My Manager came to me and mentioned the comment and we both were quite taken back to say the least. I just don’t know what has happened to everyone’s sense of humor. Are we really truly becoming a society of people that can’t take a light hearted approach to life. Life is serious as it is, but when a comment card becomes offensive I think we need to take a deep breath and relax. RELAX……………RELAX…………..RELAX……..